As my fellow classmates and I are thinking about possible placements next year, it is important for us to start thinking about our CVs.

In class today, our teacher gave us some useful tips on what to include in a CV, how to write a Good CV, and what to include in our cover letter. I’ll document what I think are some of the most useful tips in this blog.

What to include in a CV

  1. Contact details
  2. Short bio
  3. Your skills
  4. Work experience – what you have learned, and how it applies to the work that you’re applying.

E.g. Lesson I have learned while working as a shop assistant - Time management, and customer relations.

  1. Your Education
  2. What to include in a cover letter

What to include in a cover letter

  1. Concise and formal – use heading and quick reference point
  2. Spell check
  3. Use a limiting colour palette – 2 colours at most, black and white is okay
  4. Make use of Use white space, which gives breathing room