In our last class this semester, we had a collaborative class critique session where we presented our individual SDG project to the rest of the class.

Class critique sessions are so helpful as I gain feedback not only from my teacher but also from my classmates. Here are some of the feedback I received from my classmates;

Screenshot (1515).png

From my teacher (Dr Kyle), I received the following feedback;

  1. change the order of icons on the home navigation bar ( app)
  2. The extra “Flyswim” typeface is not needed; for consistency, only use the Quantico typeface (app & physical touchpoints)
  3. the size of the body text is a little too small

In this blog, I’ll quickly address some of the changes I made in response to the feedback I gained.

Addressing feedback from the class

One major feedback agreed upon by most of my class is to remove the underline on the writings of my navigation bar (app). Another feedback was to remove the curved border on the top of my navigation bar. Therefore, I took on both feedback and removed the underlines and top curved border;