In this blog, I will document some of the feedback I received from fellow classmates on my Figma prototype and also how I adjusted my Framer website according to these feedback.

Students’ feedback 1- Breaks in story flow

I had originally planned for the structure of my Apollo 11 story to be one continuous flow where the user would keep scrolling down to experience the whole story;

Screenshot 2023-05-04 024243 (1).png

However, after talking to my fellow classmates, a lot of them felt that since my project is very long with a lot of information; making the story as one continuous scroll didn't give the user any visual breaks. Also, they felt that since one section flowed into the next, the distinction between each section wasn’t clear.

After receiving this feedback, I decided to make each section of the Apollo story as separate web pages on Framer so that the user can take a visual break at the end of each story segment;

Screenshot 2023-05-06 221704.png

Since each section is now a serenade web page, I added an extra navigation function at the end of each section so that the user can jump to the next section or go back to the previous section intuitively;

( an example of the navigation functions at the end of a section )

( an example of the navigation functions at the end of a section )

To make the section more distinct from each other, I made each of the section headers with a different background image.

Below are 2 examples of the old section headers in my Figma prototype;