As discussed in the last blog, my first step is redesigning the current SDGs' icons, which look like this;


While I think there is nothing wrong with the icons as they are, it’s not quite fitting for a student audience. I think they look too serious and almost too straightforward, a bit like the phrase “ what you see is what you get”. I think these icons will do great in a serious conference setting, but for students, they lack a bit of fun and design to them. They are not eye-catching.

Considering different styles

To re-design the icons, I looked at the different styles which might be suitable. Initially, I looked at more 3d icons, being inspired by the apple 3d emojis;


I realise that currently, I don't yet have the skill to design 3D icons like apple; therefore, I looked at some of the 3d styles that are more archivable;




Through research, I found that 3D icons can be made in illustrator, a tool that is familiar to me. However, it will take a lot of effort and time compared to a 2d design. Luckily, for this project, we are only required to re-design 5 icons, so I should be able to do them within the time scale.

While researching on google design styles which might attract young people, I found an article from Nielsen Norman Group;

Young Adults Appreciate Flat Design More than Their Parents Do