Now that I decided on an idea for my investor's pitch, I need to investigate the feasibility of my idea through further market research. Any useful information and data I find will also be used in my presentation slides.

In my research, I seek to find out a few things;

1. Problem - is there actually a problem with in-flight meal service inefficiency?

2. Users data - if there is a problem, what's the pain point for the passengers?

3. Secondary data - is there a pain point for the flight attendant? what’s the value this product can bring to investors

4. Target market - is this idea good for both long-haul and short-haul flights?

5. Method - does my initial idea need to be improved upon now that I have done more research

After my research, I ended up with 3 pages of data and facts in my word document. Although I love to share everything that I have discovered along the way, for clarity, I have picked out the most important/relevant facts and data which support my idea in the investor pitch.

Problem - is there actually a problem with in-flight meal service inefficiency?

Initially, I was worried that the idea of in-flight meal services being inefficient was just a one-off personal experience. However, I was happy to see that through articles and blog posts, many people shared the same sentiment as me. The most convincing data I found was through an online open-access research paper called “ In-flight food delivery and waste collection service: the passengers' perspective and potential improvement”;

In the paper, it described research with 174 participants taking an online questionnaire. here is a summary of their findings;

“From the collected survey data, only 40% of the respondents considered the current in-flight food delivery and waste collection service to be efficient. From the collected survey data delivery and waste collection service to be felt that the service can be further improved.”