This week’s class was all about the design sprint.

The sprint is a five-day process for designing, creating, and testing concepts with customers in order to solve crucial business problems. In companies with larger teams, there could be a cross-functional team of individuals who collaborates to discover major difficulties/pain points and together develop solutions. This range of viewpoints is essential for making sure that the final solution is realistic, viable, and desirable.


The sprint gives teams a shortcut to learning without building and launching. - quoted from

The GV blog gives us a basic outline of the 5-day design sprint process -

The Design Sprint — GV

In order for our class to better engage with this week’s material, our teacher taught us the process of the design sprint through a series of excise. Our class was split into teams, and the problem statement given to all teams is;

“ How might we ( through developing an app ) ease the pressure on accident and emergency departments ?”

As this is a class excise to teach us the basics of the design sprint, instead of a 5-day timeline, our class did the design sprint excises in a day. We weren't able to do a high-fidelity prototype (associated with Thursday) due to time constraints; however, the whole class is already equipped ability to produce high if needed through various previous projects. As we didn't have a high-fidelity/interactive prototype, we also weren't able to test our app with real live humans( (associated with Friday), but we did present our idea and rough wireframe to our teacher and class.